Digital Marketing Services

Keep your business updated with the 21st century’s marketing techniques. To keep up with the ever-growing competition, small businesses need to make their businesses Digital. There is a consistent and evident growth in the Digital Marketing industry and this is the perfect time to make your digital presence felt. Businesses leverage digital channels such as search engines, social media, email and their websites to connect with current and prospective customers. In simple terms, any form of marketing that exists online is called Digital Marketing.

Digital Marketing has zero geographical boundaries. There is not one but many ways to expand your business digitally. Your business will reach masses considering the amount of time the world spends online and the variety of digital platforms available. So, this is how does digital marketing will help your business -

  • The ability to reach a global marketplace.
  • You can save money and reach more customers than traditional marketing methods.
  • Digital Marketing caters to mobile consumers.
  • Digital Marketing builds brand reputation.

Services We Offer

Search Engine Optimization

Through careful keyword research and white hat SEO practices, we can help you achieve higher organic rankings and increased visibility in search results. Our internet marketing company performs extensive keyword research, conducts on-page and off-page optimization and tracks your results with Google Search Console. These practices allow us to attract high-quality leads and traffic and increase your conversions as part of your digital marketing solutions.

Search Engine Marketing

SEM provides an avenue for displaying ads through networks such as Google's Adwords and other paid search platforms that exist across the web throughout social media sites like Facebook, Instagram and even video sites like YouTube, which, invariably, is the world's second largest search engine. By utilizing SEM, it provides you with a great avenue for getting the word out quickly and effectively

Conversion Rate Optimization

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is the process of optimizing your site or landing page experience based on website visitor behavior to help improve the probability of the visitor taking desired actions (conversions) on the said page. Do you know how well your website is converting visitors? Our conversion rate experts will implement tests to improve your visit-to-lead conversion rates. We’ve helped companies from a variety of industries double, triple and even quadruple their website conversion rates.

Social Media Marketing

Social media platforms are increasing rapidly. Having a social media presence is fruitful for your business but time-consuming also. We ensure customer engagement by making attractive social media posts. We boost the post to reach a wider audience to get more traffic and interaction with customers on it. One of the hottest forms of marketing anything online right now is through social media channels such as Facebook and Instagram, amongst others. Social media provides a near-direct avenue for reaching the masses, but it most certainly isn't a simple or easy thing to achieve saturation, especially when we're talking about millions of followers.

Email Marketing

For those that are not in the know, email marketing is a substantial money generator. In fact, email marketing can far outstrip standard website sales because, at least for unknown brands or websites that are not household names, clinching a sale on the first interaction often doesn't happen. That's why seasoned online marketers build squeeze pages with lead magnets, webinars and sales funnels to drip-deliver value and build a close personal relationship with their email subscribers, effectively moving them up a value chain to sell them high-ticket products and services.

Pay Per Click

Reach your customers quickly and with precision with a data-driven PPC campaign. Our PPC Specialists are AdWords certified, so you can rest easy knowing your campaign is in the hands of professionals. Our team creates targeted ad copies, optimizes your bidding strategies and device targeting tactics and monitors your ROI for each keyword. We also take advantage of seasonal trends to promote your products and drive high-volume leads and traffic.

Link Building

Link building is a process of acquiring hyperlink from other website to your website. For SEO, the goal of link building is to increase the quantity of high-quality inbound links to a webpage in order to increase ranking. Backlinks are a huge component of ranking higher in search results, but not just any link! That’s why you should partner with an SEO company like XapoTech that has a dedicated link building team and has connections with many high-quality and relevant websites.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is the art of marketing products, services or information for others. It doesn't require that you ever house or warehouse a single thing. But it does require that you have an audience to market those things to online. Without that audience, whether it's through search engines like Google or social media channels like Facebook, you'll find a difficult time with affiliate marketing.

Content Generation

it's the foundation of your SEO and the reason many people visit your site. Entrust your content creation with Thrive, and we'll write it with precision. Our content specialists stay abreast of the latest news and market trends to ensure we adhere to Google standards when developing content. We write headlines that pack a punch, utilize high-performing keywords, incorporate imagery and structure your posts to promote easy reading.