Robotic Process Automation

Robotic process automation (RPA) is a technology that enlists the help of bots, programs that can perform repetitive tasks directly from a user interface. Fast to deploy and easy to update, bots can be a powerful catalyst for system integrations and furthering process automation initiatives. Imagine a robot sitting in front of a computer looking at the same applications and performing the same keystrokes as a person would — while you hold the remote control that tells the robot when and how to work. So, for example, in a process where you previously had to manually review a document, enter data or transfer information between systems, the robot fills in these gaps in what could be a more automated process. In addition, the bot by its nature will be more accurate and efficient than a human user. Processes that are automated end-to-end, and more robust integrations for your systems mean more time for employees to concentrate on high-impact projects. Part of the beauty of robotic process automation technology is that it offers even non-technical employees the power to automate parts of their own workflows and gain the benefits that come from doing so.

Benefits of Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Extensive Cognizance

AI work in concert with one another while you focus on broader, higher level process flow allowing you to keep a pulse on a wider variety of tasks

Highly Cost-effective

Dramatically increased productivity combined with very little start up cost provides a highly scalable and cost-effective work environment

Employee Experience

RPA allows stronger focus on higher value work by allowing AI to complete repetitive, mundane tasks

100% Customizable

Robotic Process Automation software monitors and captures data the same way a human user would interact with a software, website, or an application. Machine learning allows for a broad range of automated tasks to fit your needs!

Reduced Operational Risk

Operational risks are drastically reduced by allowing AI to accomplish high volume actions with 100% accuracy and eliminating the added risk of human error.

Highly Productive

AI never sleeps — high volume tasks can be accomplished ’round the clock with a higher degree of accuracy

RPA Implementation Methodology


In this phase, you need to Identify processes which you want to automate. Following checklist will help you identify the correct process

  • Is the process manual & repetitive?
  • Is the process Rule-based?
  • Is the input data is in electronic format and is readable?
  • Can existing System be used as it is with no change?

Next, steps in planning phase are

  • Setup project team, finalize implementation timelines and approach.
  • Agree on solution design for performing Robotic Process Automation processes.
  • Identify logging mechanism that should be implemented to find issues with running bots.
  • Clear roadmap should be defined to scale up RPA implementation


In this phase, you start developing the automation workflows as per agreed plan. Being wizard driven, the implementation is quick


In this phase, you run RPA Testing cycles for in-scope automation to identify and correct defects

Support & Maintenance

Provide continuous support after going live and helps in immediate defect resolution. Follow general maintenance guidelines with roles and responsibilities with business and IT support teams.