AWS promises to reduce start- up costs for your businesses

AWS promises to reduce
07 Jul

AWS promises to reduce start- up costs for your businesses

AWS promises to reduce start- up costs for your businesses

The companies can find various benefits by using Amazon’s AWS platforms. I am an experienced developer and I have used many such services. I am recommending using such services if they are starting dynamic websites or any online services.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) began their service in 2002. The infrastructure was already present due to internet’s largest e-trailers. AWS offers a large range of web services that is popularly known as a "cloud". Presently, AWS provide approximately 20 web services that are used in the cloud. The most popular are the Elastic Cloud Compute and Simple Storage Service, and are known as EC2 and S3.

Simple storage service or S3

It is the quick and easily available service that can be used by website owners. S3 is an online file storage system with built-in infinite scalability and high redundancy. The Amazon uses many servers worldwide and guarantee up to 99.999999999% retention and 99.99% up-time to the data that is uploaded to S3.

The existing files from website up to 5 GB can be easily transferred to S3. These files can be used as content delivery network or CDN. The Amazon's AWS infrastructure is built on backbone of super -fast internet.  Hence, the content is served much faster as compared to cheap shared hosting accounts. Many website owners use web hosting with limited bandwidth and storage for data transfer and storage due to cheap price. However, if you will start using S3 then you will see instant cost reductions in data delivery and storage.

The websites or online services that have a huge amount of data then the cost performance of Amazon's S3 will be quite high.  It is suitable for the company that is looking for online file sharing or content-heavy service like photo or video sharing site.  Amazon S3 provides various benefits and performance that could need a large initial cost outlay.

Elastic cloud compute or EC2

Amazon's Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2) is meant for server hosting while S3 is meant for file storage.  With Elastic cloud compute you can easily set your cluster of virtual servers operating on Amazon’s cloud of servers. You can either select to run a single or low-power virtual server or cluster of many high performance virtual servers. The server that is run is known as instance and you can select to use an instance for as little as billable hour.

You can select the instance as long as you want to. It will enable start-up companies to test strong web application without the need to install and use costly hardware. This includes a lot of risk associated with web start-ups. As a start-up company you can calculate how much capacity is required till the website is successful. If you underestimate the service then it can lead to disruption of service. The over estimation can result to less profitable service.

This EC2 can be programmed easily. The companies can create intelligent systems that can scale capacity limits as instance are encountered. You can turn on more instances when the server load is maximum and can share system load. When the load is reduced then unneeded instances can be powered down that keep efficiency and costs stable.

Presently, there are many Windows and Linux Amazon Machine Instances (AMIs) widely available for users to use as a starting point when personalizing their virtual servers. The User-contributed AMIs is available with purpose-built server configurations.

Pairing both EC2 & S3

The new start-up companies that are looking for migration, this combination is best. It provides inter-network traffic between EC2 and S3 accounts free of any bandwidth costs.