Impact of Globalization on IT industry

11 Jan

Impact of Globalization on IT industry

The objective of this blog is to make you familiar with the term globalization and how it may affect the IT industry the way they operate. Before we go into deep, let us see what is Globalization and how it is related to any kind of businesses. In the second paragraph, we will learn how globalization actual impacts technology businesses and lastly final conclusion is given.

What is Globalization?

Globalization shapes the world around us, affects businesses, society, and the environment. It allows consumers, suppliers, and companies to connect together in terms of meaningful content, data, material, capital flows, etc. In brief, we can say that Globalization is a continuous process that connects people, neighbour countries, businesses, etc. It gives you an opportunity to get familiar with other parts of the world and technology updates for different countries.

According to experts, Globalization is a trend that can amplify our economy standards at the world level. The term globalization is into existence since ages bit it got its true meaning during the last few years.

How Globalization impacts the IT industry they operate?

Here are some significant benefits how globalization can impact a business positively. You should go through each of them carefully and understand why it has become a necessity for the present world.

a. Increased Competition:

Globalization can make your businesses more competitive in terms of products, services, market trends, technological advancements, etc. When a Company can operate in budget, it has the opportunity to increase its overall market share too.

At the same time, Companies get opportunities to improve their business products or services that may give you global growth. Although there are a few negative impacts too but they can be ignored completely if you can deeply understand the meaning of globalization.

b. Technology Advancements:

Globalization has helped industries to perform technically sound when looking at the world how are they operating and serving their customers. Also, you can explore new doors to success with the help of latest tools and technologies. One of the best examples is eCommerce development and how it is used by businesses worldwide.

Technology is again very important when you have to improve the existing quality of goods and services. Globalization has the optimized the overall speed of technology transfers and they are able to improve their overall technology standards.

Today, when businesses are operating in highly competitive environment, it has become a necessity to adopt efficient technology standards to gain immense profits and success.

c. Increased Job Opportunities:

The globalization has helped countries to secure more jobs and increase the employment. You can also name it as outsourcing that may involve different services like software support, marketing, finance, accounting, etc. Developing countries may take more benefits from it and secure more projects like never before.

d. Fluctuation in Prices:

Globalizations has forced employers to lower down their product costs to make it more competitive and favourable by customers. Mostly developed countries are producing products in bulk and they are selling them at much lower prices. It forces developing countries to lower down their prices to retain customers longer. It is a negative impact of globalization that reduces the ability to sustain social welfare.

e. Increased Outsourcing

Globalization increases number of job options for skilled people but sometimes companies are looking for cheap alternatives and they are outsourcing their projects to manage the budget. When it comes to It, accounting and other similar domains, these types of work can be done remote as well. This is again a negative impact that may leave you with less payment that you actually deserve.


To summarize the impact of globalization on businesses, it can be said, good, bad, and evitable. If you can manage the negative side of the coin then globalization can help you in terms of growth, profits, and the success. The only condition is that you can use resources for the betterment of business and the society. Good Luck!